Frequently Asked Questions

Do we need a diagnosis to access ACCT services?

No, a diagnosis of autism is not necessary to be part of ACCT. If you think that our services will benefit your family then you are welcome to join as a member and request to take part in activities. We support children and young people with various neurodivergences.

Many of the children and young people ACCT supports have additional health needs and conditions such as ADHD, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Social Communication Disorder, sensory difficulties, depression, anxiety and other aspects of low mental health. 

Our sessions are suitable for autistic children and young people who are able to manage their own personal care needs without needing significant help. Our in-person activities are generally not suitable for autistic children and young people with moderate to severe learning disabilities. If you’re unsure about whether ACCT would be suitable for your child or young person, please do get in touch. 

How much does it cost?

Membership is free and we don’t charge for activities or services. Some of our activities will carry a suggested voluntary donation as part of our ongoing fundraising efforts, but this is never mandatory, as we do not wish costs to be prohibitive.

Do we have to live in Sheffield?

ACCT is open to families in Sheffield and surrounding areas. Please contact us if you are not sure if you are eligible.

Sounds great! How do I join?

It’s quick and easy to join us, and free of charge. Please visit our Membership Page for more information.

If you don’t intend to access ACCT services but you would like to stay in touch, receive occasional email news updates from ACCT, then please sign up as a supporter here.

What ages do you work with?

We support autistic children and young people in the Sheffield area, their parent-carers and other family members. 

We do not have a lower age limit but have typically aimed our support at children aged 5 and above. We can also support and signpost parents and carers in the early years of 0-5.

We do not restrict the definition of young person, so young people aged over 18 can continue be supported by ACCT – we have not set a fixed upper age limit, but we often support our members until they move on to other services around age 25. 

How do I book sessions and activities?

Booking is easy, but it is essential for all our activities and services. Most of ACCT’s services are open for self-referrals – you can join sessions and book places by contacting us directly. 

Please email enquiries@acctsheffield.org.uk to register your interest in an activity or session. We will then contact you with further details.

Two of our sessions, ACCTivate and Teenage Club are commissioned SNIPS ‘Short Breaks’ Clubs’ and are referral onlyservices. This means that places for these two clubs are allocated by Sheffield City Council.  More information is directly below. 

* We can help and advise on this process, so please do get in touch.

What are SNIPS Short Breaks?

SNIPS (Special Needs Inclusion Play Service) is a council run service to help children with disabilities access social activities and for parents and carers to have a short break from caring. Two of our sessions – ACCTivate & Teenage Club – are commissioned SNIPS ‘Short Breaks’ clubs. To be referred for these, you should contact the SNIPS / Early Help Team at Sheffield City Council on 0114 2735368 or email SNIPSBusinessSupport@sheffield.gov.uk.
More information can be found on SCC website here

Families can only access one SCC short break service, so if you access a different short break, you would have to transfer from this provider to ACCT. Similarly, if you have accessed the Short Break Grant this year, you may have to wait until you can be referred to ACCT. 

Please note: This only applies in the case of accessing ACCTivate and Teenage Club. All other ACCT activities and services are self-referral and bookable by contacting us directly. Please refer back to What ACCT does for details of our full offer.

How will my child / young person be cared for?

We are the only specialist autism charity in Sheffield which is an Ofsted registered childcare setting able to support autistic children without parental supervision in sessions.

ACCT sessions are supported and facilitated by experienced ACCT staff and fully trained volunteers. All staff and volunteers have passed an enhanced DBS check and have completed Safeguarding training.

We adhere to strict ratios for the benefit of the children and young people accessing our groups.

Can siblings join in?

Siblings are welcome for whole family activities and sessions. We are currently unable to offer places to siblings at our specialist sessions and clubs due to limits on capacity, but this is regularly reviewed.

Are you open in the school holidays?

ACCT clubs operate for 51 weeks of the year. We are closed over Christmas, and these festive dates are communicated with all members in advance. In the school holidays we offer additional services such as Family Days Out and other fun sessions. These are all communicated to members via our mailing list and / or social media pages with details on how to book.

Do you provide Personal Assistants for children?

This is not something that we can currently provide. Sheffield has a PA register that is currently being developed by Disability Sheffield that might be helpful with this.

Do you offer SEND advocacy?

We aim to empower parents to advocate for their child / children and get the most suitable education package for their children and young people. We offer training sessions for parents and carers regarding EHCP’s etc, and hold regular Parents Meetings to offer advice and peer support.

I need help with something else

If you have any further queries, please contact us on enquires@acctsheffield.org.uk and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Our staff team work mostly at our clubs and supporting other activities in person, so our in-office hours are limited. Please be assured that we will get back to you at the earliest opportunity.

Alternatively, please see our resources page for signposting to related organisations locally and nationally.