ACCT AGM 30th January 2024, 7-8pm

Dear ACCT Member,

You are invited to attend the ACCT Annual General Meeting on Tuesday 30th January 2023 from 7-8pm held online via Zoom – link and codes to join the meeting below.

This is an important meeting in the ACCT calendar. It is the main opportunity for the wider ACCT membership (that’s you!) to discuss the work of ACCT, our finances, how we’re doing as a charity and what our future plans should be. We present the annual report and accounts from 2022-23, appoint an independent examiner for our 2023-24 accounts and elect trustees to serve on the board. It’s normally quite a short meeting, lasting no more than one hour. We really hope you’re able to join us for some or all of the meeting.

The agenda for the AGM, the minutes from last year’s AGM and the 2022-23 Annual Report and Accounts are all available to download from here.

The Zoom details are:

Meeting ID: 823 9667 1230
Passcode: 605736

Kind Regards

Danny Antrobus, Fundraising and Finance Coordinator, Autistic Children and Carers Together